Dispersing Wellness Hudson Valley

Fall 2019
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Urban Design Studio

Hudson Valley, NY
Regional Scale

Kaja Kuhl

Niharika Shekhawat, Mansoo Han, Ting Zhang, Shailee Shah

The film shows how healthcare industry accounts for 10% of the total greenhouse gases generated and has experienced a 30% increase in the rate of gas emissions from 2006. In the Hudson Valley, geography of the region drives people’s health seeking behavior, residents travel upto 1.5 hours one way for their basic health needs. At the same time, many hospitals in the Hudson Valley have 50% percent vacant bed space, that can be more efficiently repurposed. The film shows how the design project challenges the perspective of the current healthcare system from being a measure of cure to an extension of health and wellbeing of the community. Dispersion of wellness through an additive typology that empowers the role of social infrastructure to spread a wellness network in rural areas that substantially lower the environmental impacts of and the healthcare sector, and create an equitable and efficient healthcare.

Healthcare without Harm
Columbia healthcare consortium
Prattsville Art Center

Gary Cohen
Claire Parde
Nancy Barton



 © Niharika N Shekhawat  ︎ n.shekhawat@columbia.edu  ✆ +1 929-402-5092

Niharika N Shekhawat 
+1 929-402-5092