Sinli Village

Spring 2015
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
Architecture Studio

Sinli Village, Barmer, Rajasthan, India
Village Scale

Parul Kiri Roy, Anjali Mittal, Henry Fanthome, Gauri Gandhi

Documentation Project

The Documentation of Sinli village Settlement in Balotra district in the state of Rajasthan in India. This hand drafted study was executed and published as a part of the design studio. The village is said to have settled about 120 years ago through the establishment of the first Makauna ki Dhani. The village is defined by its homesteads (Jhompas) with their distinct straw roofs. These Jhompas form clusters called Dhani separated by the boundary (Baad) made with babool branches. These are thorny to keep cattle from escaping and wild animals from attacking. The dhani forms these negative spaces that have resulted in community spaces of worship, meeting, congregation and celebration.

Contribution: Ground work (measurement, sketches, photography) and digitization of base drawings

Sectional elevation of a cluster of Dhanis

From Left to Right: 

Plan of Sinli village settlement

Plan of a Dhani

Sections of Dhani


 © Niharika N Shekhawat  ︎  ✆ +1 929-402-5092

Niharika N Shekhawat 
+1 929-402-5092